Working time: Monday to Friday 9 AM - 5 PM

Digital Marketing Diploma

Course Overview

Pair your persuasive nature or your former knowledge and work experience with a marketing degree to move to the next level of your marketing career. This program will provide you with essential managerial skills as well as a better understanding of the relationship between marketing and other practical parts of a business.

This program will also develop your ability to plan, lead, execute and monitor marketing efforts with an overall business approach, giving you tools of great value for starting or growing a new or existing business.

You will also be introduced to new and unexpected aspects of marketing that you can start applying.

Course Modules

Defining Marketing & Digital Marketing
  • Defining Marketing & Digital Marketing
  • Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat (SWOT) Analysis
  • Principles of Marketing
  • 5S Goals of Digital Marketing
  • Create Powerful Buyer Personas
Facebook and Instagram
  • Introduction to Facebook Ads
  • Setting up & Optimizing your Facebook page
  • Creating Facebook Ads using Sales Funnel
  • Types of Facebook Campaign
  • Types of Facebook Ads
Advanced Facebook / Instagram Targeting, Retargeting & Tracking
  • Facebook Pixel
  • Facebook Pixel Retargeting
  • Advanced Facebook/Instagram Targeting
  • Facebook/Instagram Reporting & Insights
LinkedIn Ads
  • How to Create a LinkedIn Marketing Plan
  • Campaign Creation
  • Types of Ads Format
  • Advanced Campaign Optimization
Twitter Ads
  • Get Twitter Followers
  • Create Twitter Ads
  • Introduction to Google Ads
  • Google Ads Account Hierarchy
  • Campaign Setting
  • Language Setting
  • Determine your bidding strategy based on your goals
  • Ad Extensions
Advanced Google Ads Keyword Planning
  • Ad Rotation Setting
  • How Do You Structure Your Ad Groups
  • Three Match Types for Keywords in Google AdWords
  • Keywords accuracy
  • Negative Keywords
  • Remarketing Campaigns
  • Conversion Tracking
YouTube Ads
  • Introduction to YouTube
  • Creating your YouTube Channel
  • YouTube Studio Dashboard
  • Making Money For YouTube
  • Introduction to YouTube Ads
  • Campaign Level
  • YouTube Ads Formats
  • Youtube Ad Performance
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • What Is SEO / Search Engine Optimization?
  • Keyword Research
  • Technical Factors in SEO
  • Backlinks SEO
  • On-Page Optimization / Off-Page Optimization
  • Black Hat/White Hat SEO
  • Other ways to help SEO
  • 3 Different Ways to Create a Website
Content Marketing
  • Why Share Content?
  • Content Creation
  • Content Creation Rules
  • Content Marketing Process
  • Content Writing Guide
  • AdCopy 
Email Marketing
  • What is Email Marketing?
  • How to create an email campaign
  • Email Marketing Goals
  • Create an Email Structure 
  • Important Factors to Consider
  • Methods to Build Your Email List
  • How to Avoid Being Spammed
Mobile Marketing
  • Mobile Marketing
  • Mobile Marketing Strategy
  • SMS Campaign
  • Mobile Application
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